Žemėlapis Bendra informacija Lankytinos vietos Žemėlapio duomenys Techninė info Kontaktai Prisidėkite!
Žemiau pateikta techninė informacija tiems, kas žymi objektus atvirame žemėlapyje OpenStretMap. Jei nenorite gilintis į atvirojo žemėlapio subtilybes, galite tiesiog registruoti pastabą.
Tipas | Sąlyga |
Piliakalniai | historic = 'archaeological_site' and site_type = 'fortification' |
Paveldas | "ref:lt:kpd" is not null and (coalesce(historic, '@') != 'archaeological_site' or coalesce(site_type, '@') != 'fortification') |
Pilkapiai | historic = 'archaeological_site' and site_type = 'tumulus' |
Dvarai | historic = 'manor |
Kiti istoriniai | historic is not null and historic not in ('monument', 'memorial', 'wayside_cross', 'wayside_shrine', 'manor') and (historic != 'archaeological_site' or site_type not in ('fortification', 'tumulus')) |
Turizmo informacija | tourism = 'information' |
Lankytinos vietos | tourism = 'attraction' and historic is null and "attraction:type" is null |
Vaizdingos vietos | tourism = 'viewpoint' and historic is null |
Pažintiniai takai | tourism = 'attraction' and "attraction:type" = 'hiking_route' |
Bokštai | man_made in ('tower', 'communications_tower') and "tower:type" is not null and tourism in ('attraction', 'viewpoint', 'museum') and coalesce(access, 'yes') != 'no' |
Poilsiavitės su laužaviete | (tourism = 'picnic_site' or amenity = 'shelter') and fireplace = 'yes' |
Poilsiavitės be laužavietės | (tourism = 'picnic_site' or amenity = 'shelter') and (fireplace is null or fireplace = 'no') |
Stovyklavietės | tourism in ('camp_site', 'caravan_site') |
Hosteliai | tourism in ('chalet', 'hostel', 'motel', 'guest_house') |
Viešbučiai | tourism = 'hotel' |
Degalinės | amenity = 'fuel' |
Greičio kameros | highway = 'speed_camera' |
Plovyklos | amenity = 'car_wash' |
Servisai | shop = 'car_repair' |
Kavinės | amenity = 'cafe' |
Greitas maistas | amenity = 'fast_food' |
Restoranai | amenity = 'restaurant' |
Aludės, barai | amenity in ('pub', 'bar') |
Teatrai | amenity = 'theatre' |
Kino teatrai | amenity = 'cinema' |
Meno centrai | amenity = 'arts_centre' |
Muziejai | tourism = 'museum' |
Bibliotekos | amenity = 'library' |
Ligoninės | amenity = 'hospital' |
Klinikos | amenity = 'clinic' |
Odontologija | amenity = 'dentist |
Daktarai | amenity = 'doctors' |
Vaistinės | amenity = 'pharmacy' |
Prekubos centrai | shop in ('supermarket', 'mall') |
Parduotuvės | shop = 'convenience' |
Kioskai | shop = 'kiosk' |
Pasidaryk pats | shop = 'doityourself' |
Kitos parduotuvės | shop is not null and shop not in ('supermarket', 'mall', 'convenience', 'car_repair', 'kiosk', 'doityourself') |
Katalikų bažnyčios | amenity = 'place_of_worship' and religion = 'christian' and denomination in ('catholic', 'roman_catholic') |
Evangelikų bažnyčios | amenity = 'place_of_worship' and religion = 'christian' and denomination in ('lutheran', 'evangelical', 'reformed') |
Cerkvės | amenity = 'place_of_worship' and religion = 'christian' anddenomination in ('orthodox', 'old_believers') |
Kitų religijų maldos namai | amenity = 'place_of_worship' and (religion != 'christian' or coalesce(denomination, '@') not in ('catholic', 'roman_catholic', 'lutheran', 'evangelical', 'reformed', 'orthodox', 'old_believers')) |
Vienuolynai | historic = 'monastery' |
Valstybinės įstaigos | office = 'government' or amenity = 'townhall' |
Teismai | amenity = 'courthouse' |
Paštai | amenity = 'post_office' |
Notarai, antstoliai | office in ('notary', 'lawyer') |
Policija | amenity = 'police' |
Kitos įmonės | office is not null and office not in ('government', 'notary', 'lawyer', 'insurance') |
Bankai | amenity = 'bank |
Draudimas | office = 'insurance' |
Bankomatai | amenity = 'atm' |